Saturday, April 7, 2012


The dedication ceremony was last October. 
Now Spring is here.

Here is the final documentation, 
covering the installation and completion 
of this charmed commission.

Templates are made for bolt placement.

Mid July, the truck is loaded (thanks Jimmy) and the crew is ready for departure.

We arrive, Dave sites the work and then hands over the installation to John.

The "forms" for concrete go in. End of day 1.

After admiring the bolts, the templates with bolts are installed.

John walks on concrete.

End of day 2.

Installing the sculptures.

End of day 3.

Workers give it a good look, Marie brings us lunch, and the gravel is delivered.

By early afternoon, Johns work is done.
I smooth the gravel for photography.
Then the joy of seeing it with changing light begins.

Late afternoon.

Early dusk.

After sunset.

Early evening and sunrise.

3 months later, after 3 "Sunset Maples" are installed,
the dedication ceremony is held.

My parents make the big journey and are very proud.
Then, unexpectedly, a class of art students arrive and settle in.
This is who it is for.